Swine Flu(H1N1 influenza virus) –Myths and Realities.

February 14, 2013

Swine Flu is back . People are increasingly seen with fever,cough,cold .Many confirmed  positive cases have been reported  and sadly few  deaths are also reported but in reality is the disease that terrible or just media hype or is it pathetic government response to H1N1 outbreak leading it to form epidemic compounded with half baked […]

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Alcohol Effects-Myths and Realities (Part-1)

December 31, 2012

Gearing up for a new year and a new start. Though most of our New Year resolutions are not fulfilled, yet we continue to take new ones every year with the hope that this year would be different.You might be one of the million who make different resolutions,pertaining to alcohol,some say I will leave-to start […]

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Dengue Fever –Myths and Realities

December 16, 2012

“Ignorance is the most serious disease of mankind and is the cause of all its ills. Healing is achieved through knowledge”-Buddha. Tremendous pressure builds upon  individual the  moment one  develops a high grade temperature and all hell breaks loose when some abnormality in platelet counts is seen.Thanks to half baked knowledge provided by electronic and […]

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A formula of perfect diet-myths and realities

December 10, 2012

Since ages dieticians, nutritionist and doctors , world over,are trying hard for that perfect diet formula,though they have got substantial gains in their efforts,people due to lack of proper knowledge and awareness  are neither able to remain perfectly healthy nor able to manage weight control /obesity despite following the tediousness regime of dieting/fasting.Diet and health […]

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Diabetes-myths and realities

November 15, 2012

I will not go into teaching what diabetes is,lot of research is being done by people who are diagnosed by diabetes,the word these days has fetch the name of being a silent killer,one of the worst disease et al.One of the largest killer disease coming under the head of Non Contagious diseases,Hypertension , Cerebellar stroke […]

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Tattoos-Myths and Realities-Natural Henna Tattoos.(part 4)

November 15, 2012

The safer traditional Indian way of tattooing-With increasing awareness and reasons mentioned in my earlier posts, the art of inking has recently undergone significant changes ,moreover celebrities like Demi More  and others have made natural henna tattooing very popular . The greatest benefits of natural henna tattoos are Minimal or no side effects Cheap and […]

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Tattoos-Myths and Realities-The do’s and don’t s(part-3)

October 21, 2012

If you have read my earlier two post on body ink or tattoos and still ready to invest in this art please   adhere to following advice       Make yourself mentally ready-Ask yourself ??. If it is for someone especial ,think about future,are you confident of carrying this relationship ahead and to that next level? Are […]

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The Tattoo Stigma-Myths and Realities.(part-2)

October 9, 2012

Now there is a new breed of patients-college goers,estranged lovers,job aspirations,models,etc thronging to different hospitals /centers for their one common need to get tattoo removed, once thought mark of smartness,eye catching statements or designs,mark of faithfulness. According to specialists,while it is very easy to get tattooed,the removal is tough ,often cumbersome and quite expensive .It […]

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Tattoos-Myths and Realities-The unexpected risks of getting inked.(Part–1)

October 3, 2012

The craze of tattooing ,once the prerogative of certain communities,has now spread across the globe in its new western avatar.This trend ,however has also brought possible health hazards like AIDS,Hepatitis-B and C.Numerous pediatricians have reported that in teenaged cases of Hepatitis C,50% have tattoos.Similar findings are echoed by Gynecologists that tattoos are responsible for the […]

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Intensive Care Unit-Myths and Realities.

June 9, 2012

The name ICU bugs us all,giving a jittery fear running down the spine,all those hollow dreaded sounds of unusual machines,monitors,ventilators, weird looking cables and tubes  going here and there.Conscious/semi-conscious patients laying all over,some fighting for their lives with tubes inside their  mouth and tiny tubules inserted in many different places of body.Intensive Care Units,  are […]

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